師資陣容|MITC Lecturer Team
廖國偉 副總經理|Keith Liao, Director
Expertise ISO 14001, ISO50001 and OHSAS 18001 Management system, Green Supply Chain Management, Environmental Health and Safety Compliance Assessment
Ø 台灣艾奕康工程顧問 /URS Taiwan 資深環安衛顧問/計畫經理
Ø 友達光電風險環安管理處 資深工程師
Ø Senior Environmental Safety Consultant / Project Manager, AECOM Taiwan / URS Taiwan
Ø Senior Engineer, AU Optronics Corp.
柯方甯 協理|Corine Ko, Senior Manager
Expertise Carbon management, Water footprint, Corporate Social Responsibility, Supply chain management
Ø 大陸南京天加能源網路數據服務股份有限公司 諮詢培訓部 經理
Ø SGS Taiwan, 國際驗證與企業優化部門 資深評審專員
Ø Manager, Nanjing Tianjia Energy Network Data Service Co., Ltd.
Ø Lead Auditor, SGS Taiwan
陳巾眉 經理|Chin-Mei Chen, Manager
Expertise Corporate Social Responsibility, Carbon Pricing and Carbon Management, SROI, EP&L
Ø 環科工程顧問股份有限公司 工程師
Ø 天氣風險管理開發公司 專案經理
Ø Engineer, Environmental Science Technology Consultants Corporation
Ø Project Manager, Weather Risk
陳子豪 資深專員|Tzu-Hao Chen, Senior Associate
Expertise Corporate Social Responsibility, Environmental and Energy Management, GHG inventory and Carbon Neutral
Ø ISO 14064:2006溫室氣體盤查暨減量主導查證員訓練
Ø ISO/TS 14067:2013 碳足跡主任查驗員訓練
Ø ISO 14064:2006 Greenhouse gases validation/verification lead verifier course
Ø ISO/TS 14067:2013 Greenhouse gases -- Carbon footprint of products -- Requirements and guidelines for quantification and communication Lead Auditor