師資陣容|MITC Lecturer Team

魏瑞昌 助理教授  |  Ruey-Chang Wei, Assistant Professor
專業領域   訊號分析、水下聲學
Expertise  Signal Analysis, Underwater Acoustic
Ø   科技部「南海北部海域水下噪音量測分析與噪音資料庫建立」計畫主持人
Ø   「水下船艦噪聲量測分析系統之建立」計畫主持人
Ø   中華民國專利技術「水下聲學警示系統」
Ø   Principal Investigator, Underwater Noise Measurement, Analysis, and Database Establishment of Northern South China Sea (I)
Ø   Principal Investigator, Measurement and Analysis Establishment of Underwater Radiated Noise
Ø   Patent, Underwater Acoustic Warning System

邱百合 助理  |  Pai-Ho Chiu, Assistant
專業領域   生物聲學、水肺潛水、船艇駕駛
Expertise  Bioacoustic, SCUBA Diving, Boat Driving
Ø   106年海洋竹南離岸式風力發電計畫環境影響評估-水下聲學監測」研究人員
Ø   「南海北部海域水下噪音量測分析與噪音資料庫建立」研究人員
Ø   「東沙國際研究站建置計畫」執行人員及船艇駕駛
Ø   Researcher, Environmental Impact Assessment of Offshore Wind Farm Project: Underwater Acoustic Monitering (2017)
Ø   Researcher, Underwater Noise Measurement, Analysis, and Database Establishment of Northern South China Sea (I)
Ø   Staff and Boat Driver, Dongsha Atoll Research Station